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A play in two acts | 12M
Hungry for adventure and a way to make his mark, poet and playwright Christopher Marlowe becomes a spy for a dark wing of the British government and seals his hero Sir Walter Raleigh's fate and his own. Set in the seedy underworld of Elizabethan England, this story of the meteoric rise and fall of Kit Marlowe — playwright, poet, spy and sexual outlaw—charts the ambitions of youth in a cold and unforgiving world.
World Premiere | The Public Theater | 2000
Directed by Brian Kulick
Featuring Craig Bockhorn, Christian Camargo, Bostin Christopher, Keith David, Jon DeVries, David Patrick Kelly, Chris Kipiniak, Martin Rayner, Robert Sella, Ned Stressen-Reuter, Sam Trammell, and Richard Ziman
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